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Tutorial : Letak newer and older post dekat Blogskin
Friday, 6 January 2012 | 20:18 | 0 comments
assalamualaikum and hi all, hari ni aku nak buat tutorial macam mana nak letak new and old post dekat blogskin. Tutorial ni direquest oleh Sis Fitrah. Tak tau macam mana nak buat. Ikot step di bawah ni ya :

1. Dashboard >> Template
2. Search [F3] code ni : </blogger> 
3. Copy code di bawah ni :

<center><OlderPosts><a href=<$OlderPosts$>>Older Post</a> </OlderPosts> <NewerPosts> | <a href=<$NewerPosts$>>Newer Post</a></NewerPosts></center></div></td>
4. Sebelum tu, code </blogger> ni ada dua kan. Paste code di atas tu di bawah kedua-dua code </blogger>
5. Save :)

Older Post | Newer Post
Don't take anything from here without my permission, if you want to use as your own tutorial, don't forget to credit on me. Please be nice while you were her, Thank You.

About Tutorial Entries
Skin by : Iezanh Ijan
Background by : Nabilah
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